Living Death

In 2020, during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, 35-year-old Parth falls from a height of 80 feet while working at a factory. He suffers a spinal cord injury that fractures the last five vertebrae in his spine and multiple fractures in both legs, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down.

The struggle for survival begins…

After surgery in Vapi, Gujarat, Parth was bedridden for six months.

Parth: Doctor, these legs are mine, but they are not under my control. I can’t even feel them, I can’t even wiggle my toes!

It’s as if the top and bottom of my body are separated, like India and Pakistan!

Even my bowel movements and urination happen on their own without me knowing. This life is like death!

Through physiotherapy, strong will power, the support of his family, the financial assistance of the factory owners, and God’s grace, Parth slowly starts to walk.

But… the problem with bowel movements and urination remains the same!

February 2022

Parth (name changed) comes to me for help with his bowel problems.

Parth: Sir, I can walk now, but I’m not fit to go anywhere!

I have to wear diapers everywhere I go. If I feel the urge to go to the toilet, I can’t hold it back, and I soil my clothes with shit! This happens every 30-40 minutes. I get so embarrassed.

Please do whatever tests and treatment you need to do. I have to go back to work. I’m getting depressed sitting at home. I have come to you with high hopes…

Me: Don’t worry Parth, we will figure out something. Let’s do a manometry test to see whether I can help you or not.

The diagnosis was confirmed in the manometry test report: “Anal Dysynergia with weak sphincter

Me: Parth, due to the spinal cord injury, there has been neurological damage which has led to this problem. That’s why you feel the urge to go to the bathroom at any time and can’t hold it back.

Parth: Sir, is there any cure for this?

Me: It is very difficult to cure a problem like yours.

We can train your anal sphincter muscles using the “Biofeedback” method, and maybe you will benefit from it, but there is no guarantee.

Parth: Sir, there is no guarantee for anyone’s life. Living like this is like death.

Is there any harm in Biofeedback?

Me: No, Parth, there is no harm in this, but maybe you won’t benefit from it.

Parth: In the name of God, let’s start it today. If it doesn’t work, it’s okay, I have to give it a try.

Hearing such positive words from Parth, I was also filled with zest and started his biofeedback treatment.

Parth would come to Surat from Vapi (3hrs journey) wearing a diaper, every 7-15 days for Biofeedback!

In the first month, there was no significant difference, but he would come with a smiling face without getting discouraged at all, and would get Biofeedback and leave.

After 2-3 months, he started to see a little difference! Now he could hold back his bowel movements for five minutes!

After 4 months, he felt a lot of benefit. He was free from diapers! His clothes stopped getting soiled!

He started going back to work. The factory owner gave him a “desk job” so that he could work peacefully without any effort, and he also built a toilet nearby his desk.

Yesterday was Parth’s last Biofeedback session (28th). His recovery is a miracle!

We felt proud to be doctors when we saw the eyes that showed despair and disappointment 14 months ago, now shining with joy and gratitude for us.

We all should learn from Parth that no matter what sorrow comes in life, we should face it without giving up, with strong will power and faith, only then life will seem worth living.

Case managed by Dr. Nisharg Patel, Dr. Mohit Sethia, Our technical staff Sahdevbhai, Balabhai, Abhishek, Ronald, whole endoscopy department and Team Sids Surat.

Thanks to Almighty.

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