Inspiring Patient Stories By DR. NISHARG

These stories are translated from the Gujarati language posts of Dr. Nisharg on his facebook pages. All patient names have been changed to protect privacy. Click on top right of the page to navigate.

Improve Digestion

Foods to Improve Digestion

Improving digestion is essential for staying healthy. It helps our bodies absorb nutrients and get rid of waste properly. Problems like constipation, indigestion, and bloating

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It is not what it seems

82-year-old aunt used to experience special discomfort occasionally. She was given medicine and was fine for some time, then the discomfort increased again. Several times

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Grass in the Haystack

29 years after marriage, even after 14 years of trying, the couple didn’t have any children, and her menstrual cycle was very irregular and scanty.

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Mental Poverty

At 2 a.m., in a critical condition, the patient reaches the Venus Hospital. The patient was completely unconscious, body cold, BP- 60mmHg, semi-breathless, not responsive,

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