A Journey from Despair to Hope: Battling Anorexia Nervosa

A 17-year-old girl comes with her mother from Bhavnagar to show me. Particularly, her mother was very worried. The girl hasn’t been able to eat anything for the last twelve years. Whatever she eats, her stomach becomes heavy, and she vomits after twisting her body. We consulted five gastroenterologists in Bhavnagar, Rajkot, and Ahmedabad, got her blood tests, CT scans, and endoscopy done, but nothing showed up, and no medication made any difference. We even took her to Bava Bhagat and tried various rituals, but nothing worked! Now, in the 12th standard, how will she appear for exams if this continues?

In such cases, where all reports are normal, most of the time, talking to the patient and their family extensively opens the way forward. So, I initiated a conversation with the girl, asking, “Beta, which blood group do you belong to?”

Girl: B positive.

Me: Oh! Do you want to become a doctor? But if things continue like this, how will you manage?

Girl: No, sir. I don’t want to become a doctor…

Me: Then?

Girl: I want to become an actor… (There was a spark in her eyes)

Me: Then why did you choose the B group? To pursue arts…

Before the girl could say anything, her mother intervened, “Sir, she has been very intelligent since childhood. If she becomes a doctor, she will have a secure life. Why don’t you convince her to do acting and modeling as well? We are common people, living in a village. You explain to her that if she becomes a doctor, she will have a settled life.”

Me: But if she doesn’t want that, what can we force her to do?

The girl’s brother chimed in, “Yes, sir. Two years ago, how hot-headed she was, especially when it came to modeling!”

The girl (smiling sarcastically): Yes, I tried. I even tried to lose weight.

This conversation led me to a diagnosis. I asked her how much weight she had lost in the last two years.

Girl: 12-15 kilos!

Me: Are you afraid that you will gain it back?

Girl: Yes, sir. I’m constantly scared that I will gain weight again. So, I’ll starve and continue modeling.

Me: How do you think you can manage acting and modeling like this?

The diagnosis: Anorexia Nervosa.

It is a disease where the patient, out of fear of gaining weight, becomes excessively obsessed with dieting, avoiding food, and may even resort to self-induced vomiting or excessive exercise. Some people eat the same amount as others but exercise excessively (three to four hours a day). The treatment involves making the patient understand the truth, counseling, behavioral therapy, and, if necessary, specific medications. Often, many teenagers are influenced by actors or models they see on social media, TV serials, or pictures. They dream of having a body like them. But what TV and pictures show is not always true. Each person’s physical constitution, color, and shape are naturally different. We should strive for overall wellness, not just appearances.

👍 My prayer for everyone: Don’t fall into the trap of appearances. Avoid commenting on anyone’s body shape or appearance (body shaming), and learn to live happily with good health. 🙏🏻

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